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Starring:  Steffie, Tiffany, Samantha, Shannon, Cassie, Jade, Angel, Nikki

Directed by:  Mickey Wilde

Production Company:  Mickey Wilde Productions

Genre:  Documentary


Webcam Exhibitionist is a revealing look at the entrepenurial women who run and appear on internet webcams.  These R to X-rated sites are owned and operated by a variety of women -- an aspiring Hollywood Actress, a theology doctorate student, a self-described business woman, a gentlemen's magazine model, and an alleged madam.  Each discusses their path to exhibitionism on the internet as well as the pros, cons, pitfalls, money, the voyeurs and more.  Their sometimes shocking webcam exploits are also reveled and intertwined with interviews.  It's a fascinating look at the business of exhibitionism.


Copyright 2014 Thundercrack Films

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